The Hart School is committed to providing our students with a programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in years 7–13.
The aim of our careers curriculum is to develop the skills, attitudes and abilities of all our students to enable them to make effective decisions about their future education, training and employment.
Our students have access to a planned programme of Careers Education which provides opportunities to develop and apply the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to make realistic career decisions. It also raises aspirations, broadens horizons and breaks down stereotypes.
“We want to challenge perceptions and raise aspirations so that subject/ career choices are free from gender bias and students are able to look beyond their immediate environment to new and exciting possibilities and be inspired about new opportunities they may not have known about or thought they could not achieve.”
The key elements our careers programme include:
- self awareness,
- opportunity awareness,
- decision making and
- transition planning skills of our students.
Our CEIAG programme forms an integral part of the whole school. It incorporates both formal careers education, information, advice and guidance activities like assemblies and focussed collapsed curriculum days (called Life and Soul Days) across the school year, as well as other opportunities linked to each subject, such as bespoke lessons, external speakers, educational visits or developing our staff’s knowledge of the careers and opportunities linked to their subject areas.
Students also use careers software (UNIFROG) in order to allow them to explore a range of career choices and gain additional information about planned careers.
The Hart School have a careers team that is staffed by:
Kyra Caulfield – Careers Lead
Jade Rowley – Careers Adviser
For any queries or to arrange an appointment email
And they are supported by:
- Careers Governor
- Senior Leadership Team including head of sixth form
- SENCO and Assistant SENCO
- Faculty Heads
- Heads of Year
- Form Tutors
- Learning support Staff