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Sixth Form Expectations

Being part of The Hart School Sixth Form means students become part of our community and role models for the lower school. As such, students are expected to comply with the school behaviour policy.  Students also need to represent themselves responsibly, aiming to try their best in all situations and to develop as successful young adults.

Below are the Sixth Form specific policies and codes of conduct that students will need to comply with as part of our community.

Sixth Form Dress Code

The aim of the Sixth Form Dress Code is to ensure that students project a personally distinctive and smart image, which will reflect their attitude to learning and the community values and high standards of the school as a whole.  Through the dress code, we aim to:

  • encourage pride in our school;
  • support teaching and learning and a positive work ethic;
  • enable all of our students to feel comfortable, safe and secure;
  • ensure that all students of different social, religious and ethnic groups feel welcome; and foster a sense of equality and community cohesion

It is therefore essential that students dress in a way that is suitable for our environment and are coordinated in both style and colour.  Extremes of fashion do not have a place in the school or workplace, although we are proud to support, and indeed encourage students to have their own identities, which includes the way they present themselves. 

It is for this reason that our Dress Code was created with and for students and allows considerable individuality.

Requests to vary the code for particular reasons, such as medical needs, will always be carefully considered.  See the Head of Sixth Form in the first instance or email .

ID – Badge

As part of Safeguarding, Sixth Form students MUST wear their ID badge and school lanyard around their neck, clearly on display, at all times.

Students must ensure they are signing in and out of school at the front office on our InVentry system.

Sixth Form Code of Conduct

Sixth Form students are expected to be role models for our younger students and lead by example at all times. In return they will experience a much more adult environment where they can thrive with higher levels of trust and responsibility. We expect all students to abide by this code. However, we will take appropriate action against students who display negative behaviour.  

We very much look forward to working together with students to achieve their goals and build a successful future. Students should work hard, remain focused and resilient and make the most of every opportunity offered to them while they are here studying with us.

Probation Period

  • There is a probation period for all students entering the Sixth Form. During the first term we will monitor and track progress. Students must demonstrate they are meeting minimum requirements regarding academic work, attendance, punctuality and behaviour, so that they are able to make the successful transition from Year 11 onto the Sixth Form programme of study in Year 12.
  • We will meet with students and their parents if they fail to meet minimum requirements within the probation period and set clear targets for improvement.

Academic Studies

  • The A Level/BTEC programme of study represents a significant step up from work completed at GCSE. Students are expected to show dedication to their academic  studies putting this as a priority above all other out of school commitments, for example part-time jobs and social commitments.
  • Students are expected to demonstrate resilience and work independently alongside the support provided by the staff in school. Student are expected to maintain exemplary levels of commitment to their subjects ensuring that lessons are not disturbed or disrupted. Students are expected to continue speaking to staff with respect and behave appropriately in lessons.
  • Students are expected to complete all work set in the required time and to the best of their abilities. The work completed is expected to be sufficient to enable students to make progress in the courses they are pursuing.
  • Students are expected to use supervised study periods in school effectively. The study areas are silent work areas and students must ensure they use these to work productively and allow others to do so.
  • Students are expected to complete a significant amount of private study outside of school at evenings and weekends. It is recommended that students complete a minimum of 5 hours per A Level subject per week. 

Tracking of Student Academic Progress

  • If there are concerns around students not meeting minimum work requirements, in the first instance, this will be dealt with by the subject teacher.
  • Failure to show improvement and meet targets set would result in further action from the Director of Faculty or the sixth form leadership team.
  • If there are serious concerns beyond this point students and their parents would be required to attend an Academic Review Meeting with the a member of the sixth from leadership team.
  • Progression from Year 12 into Year 13 will be dependent on students meeting minimum targets in each subject. Students with academic concerns will attend a progress meeting following the publication of their Year 12 results to discuss admission into Year 13. 

Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Students are expected to treat each other and all staff with respect, regardless of ability, race, colour, sex, sexuality or belief.
  • The Hart School has an equal opportunities policy with which everyone is expected to comply. Any form of bullying (including cyber bullying), harassment or offensive behaviour will be treated as a serious disciplinary offence.
  • Students are expected to behave in a respectful and considerate manner and set a positive example to their peers in and around school.
  • The Hart School has a policy of zero tolerance towards violence. Any form of violent and/or intimidating behaviour or behaviour which is likely to lead to violence, whether in school or reported outside school, will be treated as a very serious disciplinary offence.
  • Students have a shared responsibility to represent The Hart School in the wider community. This means that students are expected to demonstrate considerate behaviour in the local area. Broadcasting and publishing information about the school or members of the school community, in print, electronically or via mass media should only be conducted with the express approval of the Principal.
  • Students are expected to have high standards of personal appearance in line with the Sixth Form dress code.
  • Swearing and use of inappropriate language is not permitted in school.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Students are responsible for making sure their individual attendance and punctuality is maintained to the highest level in line with the school attendance and punctuality policy.
  • Students are expected to sign in and out when arriving or leaving the school premises and wear their ID badges at all times.
  • All students are expected to have a minimum of 95% attendance and 100% punctuality.
  • If a student is unable to attend school through illness or for a legitimate or authorised reason, the student’s parents must notify the school of the student’s absence by telephoning on the first day of absence. A note from the parent explaining the reason for the absence must be given to the Sixth Form Administrator on the day of their return to school.
  • Students should avoid making non-emergency medical or dental appointments during school hours. Where this is unavoidable but essential parents should also notify the school in advance of these appointments wherever possible and proof of the appointment must be provided.
  • Students are expected to attend and be punctual for all lessons, tutorials, assemblies, enrichment activities and any other commitments.
  • Students are expected to take responsibility for catching up on any work missed through absence.

The School Environment and Facilities

  • Students are expected to respect the school environment recognising that all members of the school are responsible for keeping our environment clean. Chewing gum is not allowed in lessons and food must only be consumed in allocated areas.
  • Students are expected to treat the school property with respect and vandalism of school property or resources is a serious offence.
  • Students should not enter out of bounds areas, nor should they bring or invite unauthorised visitors onto the school premises.
  • Students are expected to use ICT facilities responsibly under the terms of the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy. 
  • The Hart School is a non-smoking site. Students are not permitted to smoke anywhere in the buildings, on the school grounds, or in the immediate surroundings of the school premises. Cigarettes, e-cigarettes and any other smoking paraphernalia should not be visible to other students and staff whilst on the school premises

Banned Items

  • Students are not permitted to bring weapons onto the school site, whether they are used or not.
  • It is a criminal offence to carry an offensive weapon and the school has the right to search anyone whom they suspect of carrying a banned item. There is ‘zero tolerance’ of weapons at The Hart School and possession is likely to lead to permanent exclusion from the school and involvement of the police.
  • Students must not drink alcohol or be intoxicated at any time during the school day and must not bring alcohol, illegal substances or legal highs onto the school premises. Possession of these substances may result in permanent exclusion.
  • The ban on these items extends to extra-curricular activities, school trips and other out of hours events.


Sixth Form Attendance

Planned Absence

For known absences that require you to miss Sixth Form – like unavoidable medical appointments, university open days / interviews, or apprenticeship interviews – you must inform the Head of Sixth Form and Attendance Team reception at least 48 hours in advance.

Unplanned Absence

Call school on the attendance Line to report your child’s absence between 07.30 and 08.30 am on the day of absence and on each subsequent day of absence advising school when they are expected to return. 

Attendance line: 01889 571685 

Email Attendance Team:  

Emergency Absence during the day

If a student is unwell enough to need to leave site during the school day, or if there is some other emergency need to leave, the student must communicate with School reception, and must NEVER leave site without a member of staff a) being aware, and b) gaining parent / carer consent for the student to leave during the day.