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Sixth Form

For years now we have provided students with a fantastic experience and a broad choice of subjects to study once compulsory education has ended.

I recognise how difficult it can be making choices for the end of Year 11 – there are a huge amount of options available, which can be more of a hindrance than a help.

We pride ourselves on being able to provide students with clear pathways that will give them the ability to access a wide range of career possibilities.

As a forward-thinking and innovative Sixth Form, we prepare our students for what lies ahead.

We are driven in achieving the best possible outcomes for students and we have been exceptionally proud to see our results continue to improve year-on-year.

This allows our students to be as aspirational as possible, with many of our students going to some of the most prestigious Russell Group universities and securing employment with global companies. It is these life chances that make all the difference in our ever-changing world.

Our broad range of Level 3 courses offer multiple routes for students, allowing them to pursue academic or vocational qualifications. It is also possible to take a combination of these subjects, giving students more flexibility and greater confidence in studying things that they love.

Although academic success is an essential element of life at The Hart School Sixth Form, we also recognise the need to develop individuals. It’s with this is mind that we provide opportunities to take part in Enrichment programmes that enhance CVs and Personal Statements. This allows students to make the best applications to university, apprenticeships or employers.

Being a part of Creative Education Trust also gives students the opportunity to take part in national competitions – such as essay writing, public speaking and community projects – run by prestigious organisations, like University Arts London.

We have Sixth Form areas of study so that students can work without interruption. In addition, students can access support from their tutor and safeguarding team to give valuable support when needed.

The bond that is formed with staff and students seeks to build on the excellent working relationships formed in lower school. External applicants are welcomed and quickly become part of the Sixth Form community. We see parents as an essential part of this winning formula and communicate regularly with them to ensure they are kept up to date with student progress.

Our vision is “WE CAN, WE WILL, WE DO” and we work together with our Sixth Form students to achieve their goals and aspirations to enable them to go forward with confidence to take the next step into the world of work on their chosen career path.

Mr Ben Brennan
Assistant Principal - Head of Sixth Form

Hear from our Head of Sixth Form

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